07. Constraint Propagation

Constraint Propagation

If you've made it this far, you've already gained hands on exposure to a powerful technique in AI - Constraint Propagation. Constraint Propagation is all about using local constraints in a space (in the case of Sudoku, the constraints of each square) to dramatically reduce the search space. As we enforce each constraint, we see how it introduces new constraints for other parts of the board that can help us further reduce the number of possibilities. We have an entire lesson devoted to Constraint Propagation but let's quickly see some other famous AI problems it helps us solve.

Map Coloring

No two adjacent items can be the same color in the map coloring problem.

No two adjacent items can be the same color in the map coloring problem.

In the map coloring problem, we must find a way to color the map such that no two adjacent items share the same color. Indeed, we'll see how we use constraint propagation to use this simple constraint to find a solution just as we use such constraints to solve Sudoku.

Crypto-Arithmetic Puzzles

In the above, what digits do T, W, O, F, U, and R represent?

In the above, what digits do T, W, O, F, U, and R represent?

In Crypto-Arithmetic puzzles, each letter represents a digit, and no two letters represent the same digit. None of the numbers start with a leading zero. Our goal is to find a mapping from letters to digits that satisfies the equations. Here again, we'll find that the constraints imposed by the equation allow us to create an intelligent algorithm to solve the problem via Constraint Propagation.

Applying Constraint Propagation to Sudoku

Constraint Propagation

Now that you see how we apply Constraint Propagation to this problem, let's try to code it! In the following quiz, combine the functions eliminate and only_choice to write the function reduce_puzzle, which receives as input an unsolved puzzle and applies our two constraints repeatedly in an attempt to solve it.

Some things to watch out for:

  • The function needs to stop if the puzzle gets solved. How to do this?
  • What if the function doesn't solve the sudoku? Can we make sure the function quits when applying the two strategies stops making progress?

Start Quiz:

from utils import *

def reduce_puzzle(values):
    stalled = False
    while not stalled:
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value
        solved_values_before = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])

        # Your code here: Use the Eliminate Strategy

        # Your code here: Use the Only Choice Strategy

        # Check how many boxes have a determined value, to compare
        solved_values_after = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # If no new values were added, stop the loop.
        stalled = solved_values_before == solved_values_after
        # Sanity check, return False if there is a box with zero available values:
        if len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 0]):
            return False
    return values
rows = 'ABCDEFGHI'
cols = '123456789'

def cross(a, b):
    return [s+t for s in a for t in b]

boxes = cross(rows, cols)

row_units = [cross(r, cols) for r in rows]
column_units = [cross(rows, c) for c in cols]
square_units = [cross(rs, cs) for rs in ('ABC','DEF','GHI') for cs in ('123','456','789')]
unitlist = row_units + column_units + square_units
units = dict((s, [u for u in unitlist if s in u]) for s in boxes)
peers = dict((s, set(sum(units[s],[]))-set([s])) for s in boxes)

def display(values):
    Display the values as a 2-D grid.
    Input: The sudoku in dictionary form
    Output: None
    width = 1+max(len(values[s]) for s in boxes)
    line = '+'.join(['-'*(width*3)]*3)
    for r in rows:
        print(''.join(values[r+c].center(width)+('|' if c in '36' else '')
                      for c in cols))
        if r in 'CF': print(line)

def grid_values(grid):
    Convert grid into a dict of {square: char} with '123456789' for empties.
    Input: A grid in string form.
    Output: A grid in dictionary form
            Keys: The boxes, e.g., 'A1'
            Values: The value in each box, e.g., '8'. If the box has no value, then the value will be '123456789'.
    chars = []
    digits = '123456789'
    for c in grid:
        if c in digits:
        if c == '.':
    assert len(chars) == 81
    return dict(zip(boxes, chars))
def eliminate(values):
    Go through all the boxes, and whenever there is a box with a value, eliminate this value from the values of all its peers.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    solved_values = [box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1]
    for box in solved_values:
        digit = values[box]
        for peer in peers[box]:
            values[peer] = values[peer].replace(digit,'')
    return values

def only_choice(values):
    Go through all the units, and whenever there is a unit with a value that only fits in one box, assign the value to this box.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    for unit in unitlist:
        for digit in '123456789':
            dplaces = [box for box in unit if digit in values[box]]
            if len(dplaces) == 1:
                values[dplaces[0]] = digit
    return values
from utils import *

def reduce_puzzle(values):
    Iterate eliminate() and only_choice(). If at some point, there is a box with no available values, return False.
    If the sudoku is solved, return the sudoku.
    If after an iteration of both functions, the sudoku remains the same, return the sudoku.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    stalled = False
    while not stalled:
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value
        solved_values_before = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # Use the Eliminate Strategy
        values = eliminate(values)
        # Use the Only Choice Strategy
        values = only_choice(values)
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value, to compare
        solved_values_after = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # If no new values were added, stop the loop.
        stalled = solved_values_before == solved_values_after
        # Sanity check, return False if there is a box with zero available values:
        if len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 0]):
            return False
    return values

User's Answer:

(Note: The answer done by the user is not guaranteed to be correct)

from utils import *

def reduce_puzzle(values):
    stalled = False
    while not stalled:
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value
        solved_values_before = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])

         # Use the Eliminate Strategy
        values = eliminate(values)
        # Use the Only Choice Strategy
        values = only_choice(values)

        # Check how many boxes have a determined value, to compare
        solved_values_after = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # If no new values were added, stop the loop.
        stalled = solved_values_before == solved_values_after
        # Sanity check, return False if there is a box with zero available values:
        if len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 0]):
            return False
    return values
rows = 'ABCDEFGHI'
cols = '123456789'

def cross(a, b):
    return [s+t for s in a for t in b]

boxes = cross(rows, cols)

row_units = [cross(r, cols) for r in rows]
column_units = [cross(rows, c) for c in cols]
square_units = [cross(rs, cs) for rs in ('ABC','DEF','GHI') for cs in ('123','456','789')]
unitlist = row_units + column_units + square_units
units = dict((s, [u for u in unitlist if s in u]) for s in boxes)
peers = dict((s, set(sum(units[s],[]))-set([s])) for s in boxes)

def display(values):
    Display the values as a 2-D grid.
    Input: The sudoku in dictionary form
    Output: None
    width = 1+max(len(values[s]) for s in boxes)
    line = '+'.join(['-'*(width*3)]*3)
    for r in rows:
        print(''.join(values[r+c].center(width)+('|' if c in '36' else '')
                      for c in cols))
        if r in 'CF': print(line)

def grid_values(grid):
    Convert grid into a dict of {square: char} with '123456789' for empties.
    Input: A grid in string form.
    Output: A grid in dictionary form
            Keys: The boxes, e.g., 'A1'
            Values: The value in each box, e.g., '8'. If the box has no value, then the value will be '123456789'.
    chars = []
    digits = '123456789'
    for c in grid:
        if c in digits:
        if c == '.':
    assert len(chars) == 81
    return dict(zip(boxes, chars))
def eliminate(values):
    Go through all the boxes, and whenever there is a box with a value, eliminate this value from the values of all its peers.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    solved_values = [box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1]
    for box in solved_values:
        digit = values[box]
        for peer in peers[box]:
            values[peer] = values[peer].replace(digit,'')
    return values

def only_choice(values):
    Go through all the units, and whenever there is a unit with a value that only fits in one box, assign the value to this box.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    for unit in unitlist:
        for digit in '123456789':
            dplaces = [box for box in unit if digit in values[box]]
            if len(dplaces) == 1:
                values[dplaces[0]] = digit
    return values
from utils import *

def reduce_puzzle(values):
    Iterate eliminate() and only_choice(). If at some point, there is a box with no available values, return False.
    If the sudoku is solved, return the sudoku.
    If after an iteration of both functions, the sudoku remains the same, return the sudoku.
    Input: A sudoku in dictionary form.
    Output: The resulting sudoku in dictionary form.
    stalled = False
    while not stalled:
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value
        solved_values_before = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # Use the Eliminate Strategy
        values = eliminate(values)
        # Use the Only Choice Strategy
        values = only_choice(values)
        # Check how many boxes have a determined value, to compare
        solved_values_after = len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 1])
        # If no new values were added, stop the loop.
        stalled = solved_values_before == solved_values_after
        # Sanity check, return False if there is a box with zero available values:
        if len([box for box in values.keys() if len(values[box]) == 0]):
            return False
    return values

So, that seemed to work! You should have got this answer.